1. 高分辨率觸摸屏,界面美觀大方,多組數據一屏顯示,操作方便,中英文可選;
2. 智能模糊PID控制,控制精度高,可拓展多段編程控制;
3. 多種電機報警,具備門控報警功能;
4. 速度單位可選擇 Hz, RPM等;
5. 控制器具有屏幕鎖定功能,避免人為觸摸操作失誤;
6. 具有計時功能,歷史數據存儲與導出功能,可擴展遠程通訊及U盤。
Product Features:
1. High resolution touch screen, aesthetic and elegant interface, multiple sets of data displayed on one screen, easy to operate, multiple sizes and Chinese and English language optional;
2. Intelligent fuzzy PID control, high control accuracy, extensible multi-segment programming control;
3. Multiple motor alarms, with door control alarm function;
4. Speed unit can be Hz, RPM, etc.;
5. The controller has screen locking function to avoid misoperation;
6. It has functions of real-time curve view, historical data storage and export, and can be extended to remote communication, USB flash disk, printer and other functions.
產品名稱 Product name | 研磨儀控制器 Grinder controller | 球磨儀控制器 Ball mill controller |
產品型號 Product model | MTYMHP/Q-T1002-T | MTQMHP-T1002-T |
顯示方式 Display mode | 5寸/7IPS寸觸摸屏 5/7" IPS touch screen | |
安裝尺寸 Panel size | 143mm*74.8mm/196*112mm | |
傳感器類型 Sensor type | PT100 | |
顯示分辨率 Display resolution | 0.1℃
| |
測溫誤差Temperature measurement error
| <滿量程×0.5%<Full scale×0.5%
| |
控溫范圍 Temperature control range | -50.0℃~20.0℃ | |
最高轉速 Maximum speed | 2100rpm | |
計時范圍 Timing range | 0~9999秒(或分鐘) 0~9999 seconds (or minutes) | |
輸出容量 Output capacity | 制冷輸出:繼電器負載功率≤7A; 開關門電機輸出:繼電器負載功率≤7A Refrigeration output: relay load power ≤7A; Switch door motor output: relay load power ≤7A | |
電源電壓 Supply voltage | 100~240VAC / 50~60Hz | |
工作環境 Working environment | 環境溫度:-10~60℃ 相對濕度:< 90%RH(不結露) Environment temperature: -10 ~ 60℃ Relative humidity:< 90%RH (No dew) |
1. 高分辨率觸摸屏,界面美觀大方,多組數據一屏顯示,操作方便,中英文可選;
2. 智能模糊PID控制,控制精度高,可拓展多段編程控制;
3. 多種電機報警,具備門控報警功能;
4. 速度單位可選擇 Hz, RPM等;
5. 控制器具有屏幕鎖定功能,避免人為觸摸操作失誤;
6. 具有計時功能,歷史數據存儲與導出功能,可擴展遠程通訊及U盤。
Product Features:
1. High resolution touch screen, aesthetic and elegant interface, multiple sets of data displayed on one screen, easy to operate, multiple sizes and Chinese and English language optional;
2. Intelligent fuzzy PID control, high control accuracy, extensible multi-segment programming control;
3. Multiple motor alarms, with door control alarm function;
4. Speed unit can be Hz, RPM, etc.;
5. The controller has screen locking function to avoid misoperation;
6. It has functions of real-time curve view, historical data storage and export, and can be extended to remote communication, USB flash disk, printer and other functions.
產品名稱 Product name | 研磨儀控制器 Grinder controller | 球磨儀控制器 Ball mill controller |
產品型號 Product model | MTYMHP/Q-T1002-T | MTQMHP-T1002-T |
顯示方式 Display mode | 5寸/7IPS寸觸摸屏 5/7" IPS touch screen | |
安裝尺寸 Panel size | 143mm*74.8mm/196*112mm | |
傳感器類型 Sensor type | PT100 | |
顯示分辨率 Display resolution | 0.1℃
| |
測溫誤差Temperature measurement error
| <滿量程×0.5%<Full scale×0.5%
| |
控溫范圍 Temperature control range | -50.0℃~20.0℃ | |
最高轉速 Maximum speed | 2100rpm | |
計時范圍 Timing range | 0~9999秒(或分鐘) 0~9999 seconds (or minutes) | |
輸出容量 Output capacity | 制冷輸出:繼電器負載功率≤7A; 開關門電機輸出:繼電器負載功率≤7A Refrigeration output: relay load power ≤7A; Switch door motor output: relay load power ≤7A | |
電源電壓 Supply voltage | 100~240VAC / 50~60Hz | |
工作環境 Working environment | 環境溫度:-10~60℃ 相對濕度:< 90%RH(不結露) Environment temperature: -10 ~ 60℃ Relative humidity:< 90%RH (No dew) |